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How can I cancel a booking?

Campsaround platform has 3 options for cancellation policies from which every owner has chosen and set for their listing. The cancellation policies are the following:

Guests can cancel for free up to 7 days before check-in. If they cancel after that and up to 24 hours before check-in, they will get a 50% refund. If they cancel less than 24 hours before check-in, the booking amount is non-refundable.
Note: To receive a full refund, the guest must cancel at least 7 days before the local time of check-in (it appears in the booking confirmation email).
In any case, when the guest completes a booking, the transaction fee which is the 2% of the total price is non-refundable.

Guests can cancel for free up to 48 hours after booking, and the cancellation must occur at least 30 days before check-in. If they cancel after that and at least 14 days before check-in, they will get a 50% refund. After that, the booking amount is non-refundable.
Note: The transaction fee, which equals 2% and the Campsaround’s service fee which equals 10% is non-refundable.

Guests can cancel for free up to 48 hours after the booking, and the cancellation must occur at least 30 days before check-in. If they cancel after that, the booking amount is non-refundable.
Note: The transaction fee, which equals 2% and the Campsaround commission which equals 10% is non-refundable.
Note: In any case it’s at owner’s ease to transfer the booking in different dates, based on the availability.

To find out which of the three types of cancellation policies apply to the accommodation/campsite you have booked, go to Campsaround, search for the listing you have booked and select some random open dates. The type of cancellation policy will then be displayed in the widget, just below the total price.

Note: In any case it’s at owner’s ease to transfer the booking in different dates, based on the availability.

In order to cancel your booking you will have to fill in the form here.

A screenshot of a flight booking page with cancellation instructions.