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I lost my password, how do I reset it?

In order to reset your password and regain access to your campsaround account, go to Campsaround  and click on the sign in button in the top right of the page.

Then click on “Lost your Password?” and a new page will appear. To reset your password you enter the email address you used to register with Campsaround.
Click on “Reset Password” and a confirmation link will have been sent to the email address you have added.
Then, go to your email, open the mail from Campsaround and click on the link included.
Fill in the fields “New password” and “Repeat new password” and then press the “Reset Password”.
If everything is fine with your new password, a green box will be displayed that confirms that your password has been successfully changed .
Now, you can access your account with your new credentials.

A screen shot of a login page for password reset.