- How do I manage a new booking?
- How do I get started as an owner?
- How do I enter my listing?
- Does my place meet Campsaround standards?
- How do I describe my place in the best way possible?
- How do I add / update prices to my listing?
- How do I set extra guests and services?
- What is the status of my entry listing?
- What does "Instant Book" mean and what is the difference with "Request Booking"?
- How can I add the coordinates of my RV park?
- How can I turn off the dates when I have no availability on a particular listing?
- What are the cancellation policies I can set through the platform?
- How do I sync Campsaround with other channels (Booking, Airbnb)?
- How can I contact the guest directly?
- Where can I add my bank account details for financial transactions?
- I don't have availability for the booking request I received, but I have on another listing on Campsaround or on alternative dates. What can I do?
- What if I would like to cancel an already paid booking myself?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
In order to reset your password and regain access to your campsaround account, go to Campsaround and click on the sign in button in the top right of the page.
Then click on “Lost your Password?” and a new page will appear. To reset your password you enter the email address you used to register with Campsaround.
Click on “Reset Password” and a confirmation link will have been sent to the email address you have added.
Then, go to your email, open the mail from Campsaround and click on the link included.
Fill in the fields “New password” and “Repeat new password” and then press the “Reset Password”.
If everything is fine with your new password, a green box will be displayed that confirms that your password has been successfully changed .
Now, you can access your account with your new credentials.